Days Gone developer Sony Bend was featured prominently in the news over the past few months. When the game launched on PC, we posted an exclusive interview with two key members of the team. Around that time, a Bloomberg report also revealed that a Days Gone 2 pitch from the Bend team was refused by Sony, who put the studio to work on a new Uncharted game; however, recently they’ve been cleared to work on a brand new IP, and a new job posting for a Senior Network Programmer implies that it’ll have some sort of multiplayer functionality.
Sony Bend Studio, renowned creator of Days Gone, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Syphon Filter, is seeking outstanding talent to join our passionate and creative family in crafting our next high-profile AAA console title.
We are seeking a Senior Network Programmer to contribute to our development process on a AAA game. This position specializes in specific areas of programming that centers around the support of low-level network issues (ex: TCP, UDP, etc.), multiplayer engine design/architecture, PSN platform services, digital rights management, patching and digital commerce.
- Professional experience within the game industry.
- Professional experience in network/systems programming using C/C++.
- Would consider C# or Java alternatively.
- Network architecture and low-level network protocols (ex: TCP, UDP, rUDP, etc.).
- Strong 3D Math skills.
- Strong C/C++ experience.
- Strong understanding of current data structures, algorithms and methodologies.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Game console experience.
- B.S. in computer science, engineering or relevant curriculum.
Bonus Qualifications:
- Network game development for game consoles and/or Network client application programming for embedded, desktop or mobile environments.
- Data security with untrusted clients, bandwidth optimization and packet shaping, load balancing and/or host selection in a dynamic environment.
- Security and authentication techniques like DRM, SSL/crypto, etc.
- Research new hardware platforms and related APIs.
This isn’t entirely surprising, as apparently the Days Gone 2 pitch included cooperative multiplayer. It remains to be seen what kind of multiplayer functionality will be included in this brand new project, though.
Stay tuned on Wccftech and we’ll keep you apprised on any news, rumors or leaks on the new game in development at Sony Bend.