Calling all indie developers! Looking to level up your toolkit and learn expert advice from top developers? Don’t miss joining us at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan, we have some incredible track content you won’t want to miss…
We’re coming back to Jordan on November 12th to 13th, and you won’t want to miss everything we have in store for you at this unmissable conference. The MENA region is a key area of growth for the games industry, and we couldn’t be more excited to get to have a show in the magnificent country of Jordan once more. Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan going to truly be an elevated conference experience. The show is taking place at an all-new luxurious venue right on the shore of the Dead Sea, and over 700 games industry professionals from 30 different countries are joining us to hear from over 100 of the industry’s top thought leaders. Our amazing speakers will be discussing all the most pressing topics facing the games industry today over the course of two jam-packed days filled with insightful talks, seminars and panels. You won’t want to miss a minute!
Each day leading up to the conference, we’ll be sharing a little bit about the content you can look forward to learning about, and today, we’re talking about our Developer Toolkit track at PG Connects Jordan. In this track, we’ll be discussing everything a growing developer needs: essential, practical advice about all aspects of making games. You’ll get to learn all about modding games to unite communities, creating games that matter and building a game development ecosystem. You won’t want to miss this track if you are a fresh new indie developer wanting practical advice on what exactly goes into gamemaking or a seasoned developer looking to sharpen your toolkit.
Keep reading for the details on what this track is all about!
Developer Toolkit: November 13th
10:00 – Stay tuned to learn more about what we have in store to kick off this fantastic track!
10:20 – We’re diving into Modding Games to Unite Communities with Omar Jarrah of Garden of Eyes & Omega Fantasy – you won’t want to miss this one!
10:40 – How do you create games that matter? Join Mo Fadl of Brightstar Studio for an insightful conversation on how you can make games that make a difference.
11:00 – Next up, we’re talking about everything a developer needs to know when developing their first game with an all-star panel! Don’t miss this panel – Kay Gruenwoldt of Nine66, Mustafa Swiedan of Chick Mania Entertainment, Danar Kayfi of Game Zanga, Ibrahim Al-Hasan of Mad Hook, Jana AlBdour of Sakura Games, Lara Al Safadi of Roya Media Group and Tom Cunliffe of Kwalee will be sharing gems of wisdom in this unmissable session.
11:40 – Next, we’re learning all about using digital tools to ignite social and behavioural change, courtesy of Faris Ayoub of MAGENTA.
12:00 – How do you build iOS framework for Unity? Learn all the details from Maksim Kalik of Triumph Labs!
12:20 – We’re wrapping up the track with a fireside session on building a game development ecosystem – join Mo Fadl of Brightstar Studio, Samer Abbas of GameFounder and Danar Kayfi of Game Zanga for this fantastic conversation.
Book your ticket to Jordan now!
We are only a few weeks away from our grand return to the MENA region, and we would love for you to join us. Don’t miss your chance to have a front row seat at these sessions and hear from our brilliant speakers! You can currently take advantage of our incredible Mid-term offer, which can save you up to £140 on your conference ticket if you book your ticket today. Prices will be rising soon, so don’t miss out!
See you in Jordan!