Apex Legends’ next season, entitled “Revelry,” is available to download now. As we’ve previously reported, this season won’t offer a new Legend, but instead will be reworking the current roster to fit into a revamped series of 5 classes (Assault, Recon, Skirmisher, Controller, and Support) and sunsetting the not-terribly-popular Arenas mode in favor of Team Deathmatch. You can check out a gameplay trailer for Apex Legends Revelry, below.
The introduction of the new class system has necessitated some fairly major tweaks to some Apex Legends characters. Here’s a rundown of the changes Respawn/Respawn Vancouver have made…
Passive – Heartbeat Sensor
- Audio from Seer’s passive is now more audible to enemy players
- Activation is now delayed to match raise animation of weapon or unarmed
- Lock-On indication will now only show on heartbeat cadence of target
Tactical – Focus of Attention
- No longer shows full body scan on scanned targets
Ultimate: Exhibit
- No longer reveals on initiation
- Duration reduced from 30s to 25s
- Cooldown increased from 120s to 180s
Passive – Tracker (White Ravens)
- Ethereal White Ravens will now occasionally spawn near Bloodhound when no enemies are around.
- White Ravens can be interacted with or scanned to trigger them to fly towards the nearest enemy player
- The White Raven will leave a misty trail behind for Bloodhound to follow, and will share this direction with their team on the map.
- Using a White Raven will recover 25% Tactical / Ultimate charge
- Scanning a White Raven will fully refund the Tactical Charge
Tactical – Eye of the Allfather
- Reduced full body scan time from 3s to 1s
- Diamond target on scanned enemy is unchanged
Ultimate – Beast of the Hunt
- No longer recharges or speeds up the cooldown rate of Bloodhound’s Tactical
- Will launch a White Raven that flies towards the nearest enemy
- Killing an enemy while in Beast of the Hunt will also trigger a White Raven
Passive – Now you see me…
- Mirage and his ally now remain cloaked after a revive for 3s
- Weapons remain stowed while cloaked
- Drawing your weapon will remove the cloaking effect early
Mirage Clones
- Bamboozles are now only triggered by bullet fire and melee
- Enemies who are bamboozled now receive notification on their screen
- Bamboozle icon marker now tracks the Bamboozled player’s movement
- Bamboozle icon marker duration increased from 2.5s to 3.5s
Passive – Insider Knowledge
- Pathfinder’s passive benefits are no longer gained by scanning Survey Beacons
- Pathfinder’s passive benefits (Ultimate charge and 10s Ultimate Cooldown reduction) are now gained by revealing Care Packages with the Skirmisher ability
Ultimate – Zipline Gun
- Max Range increased by ~60%.
- Max Speed increased by 66%.
- Acceleration and exit speed adjustments.
- Targeting improvements, including updated visual and audio cues.
- Can no longer place the end station on OOB zones.
Ultimate – Dimensional Rift
- Max Portal Distance has been doubled (~76m to 152m)
- Portal Duration reduced from 60s to 45s
- Wraith now increases speed over time when creating longer portals
Tactical – Gravity Lift
- Increased weapon spread in Gravity Lift
- Increased vertical speed of Gravity Lift by 10%
Passive – Combat Revive
- Reduced the slow penalty on Lifeline when initiating a revive
Ultimate – Care Package
- Decreased the drop animation speed of Care Package from 14s to 8s
- Increased the deployment range of Care Package
You can check out the full Apex Legends Revelry patch notes, which also include a variety of weapon tweaks and other changes, right here.
Apex Legends Revelry will also be kicking off with a new Anniversary Collection Event, offering a variety of skins for your whole squad.
There will also be a free mini battle pass offering an array of community-created cosmetics. Here’s the reward track for that.
Apex Legends can be played on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Switch. The mobile version of the game is being shut down on May 1. As mentioned, the Revelry season kicks off today.