Musk reportedly had Twitter’s 80-man engineering team work to increase the reach of Musk’s tweets by a factor of 1,000; to make this happen, Twitter engineers had to bypass certain filters that were put up to improve the user experience. The next day, many Twitter users, including those who don’t follow Musk on the platform, received tweets from the billionaire in their “For You” feeds.
Musk shares a meme on Twitter hinting that he will shove his tweets down Twitter users’ throats
Yesterday, Musk disseminated a tweet that says, “Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .…’algorithm.'” For some reason, this writer pictures this being said in the voice of former Saturday Night Live comic Jon Lovitz when the latter played the character that was always lying. Imagine Lovitz in character saying, “Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .…’algorithm.’ Algorithm. Yeah, that’s the ticket.”
From what we’ve seen of Elon’s quick pivoting management style which has him making a decision, reversing field, and returning to his original thought, for the sake of Twitter the naming of a new CEO (which he promises to do before the end of this year) can’t happen soon enough.