The Emoji wallpapers should be available within Settings > Wallpaper & style as a new category named “Emoji Workshop” when you tap on “More wallpapers.” Within this workshop, you are able to get as creative as you can by choosing your favorite emojis and create a unique wallpaper that matches your mood and interests.
Similarly, Cinematic Wallpapers — the same ones demoed at Google I/O this year — should be available within the same Wallpaper & style section and appear as an option when you choose to use an existing photo instead. The difference is that, if the feature is available to you, you should see the sparkle icon at the top. Tapping on that icon will prompt your Pixel to transform your 2D wallpaper into a dynamic 3D scene. This is achieved by using on-device machine learning to analyze the image and separate the subject from the background.
Why are these features missing for some?
In my personal case, I am running the Android 14 beta on my Pixel, and I was able to install the Emoji Workshop via an APK sideload. This is not ideal and not a practice we condone here at Phone Arena. Still, as I am living that “Beta Life,” I felt compelled to try it out.