The official reveal trailer has dropped for The Directorate: Novitiate, revealing a new narrative-driven single-player game that will be a third-person action RPG, with the game taking place in Los Angeles. This title is being developed and published by Nesting Games.
The year is 2006, and the world is magic-infused. In this game, you’ll be playing as Mercury, where you will get to use a mixture of guns and magic to fight off supernatural threats and chase down a serial killer across Los Angeles. To see what you can expect from The Directorate: Novitiate, make sure to check out the official reveal trailer below.
The Steam page for this game has been released, revealing the base features you need to know about the game. If you liked Control or Alan Wake, then this may be a game you want to keep an eye on. It has very similar themes and styles of combat, from what is seen in the GIFs on Steam.
Kana Luna (Mercury) finds her life turned upside down as she becomes involved with the Costa Muerta, a Dark Syndicate of the Directorate. Because of this, she now needs to hone her skills, where you’ll help her rise up from the rank of Novitiate.
It will be much more than just guns and magic, as there will be a high-stakes story to go along with it. While you will get to experience the traditional third-person shooter mechanics, there will also be magic spells that you can utilize, as well as the ability to upgrade your skills and perform finishing moves that add flare and style to the scene.
As with any high-stakes story, there will also be important player decisions to be made, where your choices will impact the story later down the line. You have to make the decision on whether you want to remain loyal to the Edicts of the Directorate or choose to stay in the real world. However, this will all have consequences for friends, foes, and more.
At the moment, the game doesn’t have a planned release date, with more details to come in the future and a release period to be confirmed at a later date.
Will you be playing The Directorate: Novitiate when it releases?