Kiberphant0m joined a fraud-focused Telegram channel “Cowgirl” in June 2024, under the handle “Buttholio”, claiming to be Kiberphant0m. This was revealed as a show-of-proof after another “Cowgirl” member taunted “Buttholio” as a nobody, Krebs noted.
In a gaming chatroom on Discord, in September 2023, Buttholio told others they bought the game in the US, but are playing it in Asia. “USA is where the game was purchased from, server location is actual in game servers u play on. I am a u.s. soldier so i bought it in the states but got on rotation so i have to use asian servers,” they shared, adding “Come to Korea, servers there is pretty much no extract camper or cheater”.
Months later in January 2024, Kiberphant0m logged on to the Telegram channel “Dstat,” where cybercriminals chatted about distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and attempted selling DDoS for hire kits, to which another user wrote “hi buttholio.” Kiberphant0m acknowledged the greeting with “wsg” (what’s good).