For instance, the iPhone 13 Pro’s A15 chip has a five-core GPU, while the mini and regular models have four core GPUs. As another example, the 2020 Apple Watch Series 6 and 2021’s Apple Watch Series 7 have very similar chips that are based on the same CPU but since there was still a minor difference, Apple didn’t shy away from calling Series 7’s chipset a new chip.
iPhone 14 Pro will flaunt the A16 Pro
Per today’s report, Apple is struggling to manufacture all the A16 and M2 chips that it needs. Apple is transitioning away from Intel, meaning it doesn’t just make chips for its phones and tablets now, but also for its computers.
Both these unannounced chips will apparently be manufactured using TSMC’s 4nm process and apparently because the production capacity is limited, Apple has decided to prioritize the M2. That’s why Cupertino giant will only be making A16 chips for the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max, and the other two models will be stuck with the A15.
To avoid criticism, the company will slightly modify the A15, which is based on the 5nm process, and rebrand it as the A16. The faster and more power-efficient chip that we thought would be called the A16 will be known as the A16 Pro and will power the 6.1-inches iPhone 14 Pro and 6.7-inches Pro Max.
This move would also allow Apple to cut down on costs. Although the starting price for the series would likely be the same, the iPhone 14 Max will be more expensive than its last year equivalent, the iPhone 13, and the Pro model may also cost more than its predecessor.
iPhone 14 Max may cost $899, and the 14 Pro $1,099
That’s apparently because Apple would like to maintain the $200 price difference between the Pro and non-Pro model and if the Max is going to cost $100 more, the Pro is unlikely to start at $999 as it does now.
The new series will likely be announced in September.