Although NFT’s may not be in-vogue as they were previously, crypto-enthusiasts seem reluctant to give up on blockchain tech. However, the promised inclusion of NFT purchases on Apple’s iOS app-store applications has caused many to question whether these are even viable for sellers.
Apple has previously faced an extended legal battle with dev-giant Epic Games over 30% fees on in-app purchases. A fee that Epic attempted to bypass in Fortnite by offering their own purchase options. This led, of course, to Apple and Epic facing off in-court, a resolution coming in the form of a dismissal on Epic’s claims, but Apple being ordered to drop steering rules preventing developers from informing customers of alternate purchase systems.
Another bite from Apple
To many, NFT’s may not seem as lucrative as they once were. Naturally, one of the possible advantages that Apple’s initial move may have offered would’ve been allowing more of the general public access to the often cryptic and byzantine nature of crypto and blockchain. However, the 30% cut, alongside gas-fees and other costs naturally incurred by blockchain tech, coupled with NFT’s dropping value across the board may make it more costly than it’s worth.
So where does this leave mobile developers? For those looking to utilise NFT technology, it may in-fact impact them relatively little. Naturally, this is not legal advice, but the Apple v Epic ruling may offer an avenue for those developers fixated on utilising NFT’s to point users outside of the iOS store and in-app purchases to buy their NFT’s.
As we previously reported, studios like Infinigods have not yet made the move to releasing their games on mobile devices, although they plan to. Whether this move would have them rethink is unknown. Infinigods, for example, already offer NFT purchases through ‘traditional’ means. Whether Apple could consider this any sort of breach of contract would, of course, depend on if crypto enthusiasts go ahead with implementation plans in the first place.
Plenty of commentators, such as Apple nemesis Time Sweeney have commented on the plans, and the reception appears to be uniformly negative from many NFT enthusiasts. Regardless of the reality of how this may financially affect efforts to include NFT’s in mobile games, it may be that many refuse to participate in Apple’s system out of principle.