Those who use Apple’s Family Sharing program can now share subscriptions and premium in-app purchases with up to five family members, MacRumors reports.
This feature extends to “auto-renewable subscriptions” and “non-consumable in-app purchases.” Consumable items like in-game currency aren’t covered, but certain one-time purchases and ongoing subscriptions apply.
Thought Apple has made this feature available for any Family Sharing user, developers must first enable it. That means it may take some time before you can share your favorite apps. Developers may also choose not to allow sharing and instead require users to buy individual subscriptions or one-time unlocks.
To share your current subscriptions, head to the Settings menu on your iOS device. Tap on your name and Apple ID, and choose the Subscriptions option. Look for the new Share New Subscriptions banner. There, you can choose to toggle sharing for all in-app subscriptions on or off. There’s also an option to enable or disable individual subscriptions on the list.
This new model isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. While there are a variety of apps up for sharing, there are plenty that aren’t as well. You’ll need to check back to see which apps have family sharing privileges from time to time.