Apple’s core technology fee in the EU will change the dynamics of the App Store for
Spotify CEO Eks blasts Apple on X
The executive added, “With our EU Apple install base in the 100 million range, this new tax on downloads and updates could skyrocket our customer acquisition costs, potentially increasing them tenfold. This as we have to pay on every install or update to our free or paid app, even for those who no longer use the service. So where does that leave us? Under the new terms, we cannot afford these fees if we want to be a profitable company, so our only option is to stick with the status quo. The very thing we’ve been fighting against for five years.”
The “core technology fee” will negatively impact developers of free or freemium apps
But the new “core technology” fee is going to hurt smaller developers the most. Developer Steven Troughton-Smith notes that a free app that gets 2 million installs will have to pay $500,000 to Apple every year leading him to write on Mastodan, “I don’t think any app developer with free or freemium apps in their portfolio can accept Apple’s new business terms without the risk of being bankrupted. And as a result, that makes this specific implementation of the core technology fee unworkable.”
One developer who had a few hundred thousand installs last year told Gurman’s Power On newsletter that with the new fees, there is no incentive to make an app for the iPhone. However, developers can decide to stick with the current 15%-30% “Apple Tax” range if they promise not to use third-party payment platforms or get listed in third-party app stores. We’re pretty sure that Spotify’s Ek is thinking that the more things change, the more they stay the same, or get worse.