Unlike similar expansions released for the Tales of series in the past, the Tales of Arise: Beyond The Dawn expansion isn’t going to feature new tools with which to fight off enemies, according to the game’s producer.
Speaking with Famitsu, Producer Yusuke Tomizawa confirmed the expansion will not feature new titles or skills, but it will feature new weapons and gear. As the expansion will be focused on expanding the story of Alphen, Shionne, and the worlds they have unified, the team settled with just making some combat adjustments, such as improved range of Boost Attacks and better enemy AI, leaving every other combat mechanic untouched. This is definitely disappointing, as some characters, in my opinion, could have done with a few additional skills and Artes.
Speaking about some other changes featured in Tales of Arise: Beyond The Dawn, Yusuke Tomizawa confirmed that many of the towns and fields that appeared in the base game will also be back in the expansion, but they will look different due to the fusion of Dana and Lena. New dungeons will also be available.
In another interview with IGN, the Tales of Arise: Beyond The Dawn producer also touched upon the possibility of bringing older entries in the series on modern platforms, saying that it is always on their minds, but there are multiple factors to consider to better tailor the older experiences to modern players, such as the best formats and platforms, localization and content.
Tales of Arise: Beyond The Dawn launches on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox One on November 9th. You can learn more about the base game by checking out my review.