Earlier this month, the Samsung Galaxy A51 5G launched on T-Mobile bringing 5G to the masses. The phone is priced at $504 or you can make 24 monthly payments of $21. The handset sports a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display with an FHD+ resolution of 1080 x 2400, That works out to an aspect ratio of 20:9. The tall and thin screen delivers a nice cinematic effect when streaming movies and television shows in landscape mode, and the Infinity-O display means that the device has a punch-hole selfie snapper.
T-Mobile today released an unboxing video for the Galaxy A51 5G that right off the bat calls it “affordable.” There is an in-display fingerprint sensor and the Samsung Exynos 980 SoC is found under the hood paired with 6GB of memory and 128GB of storage. The video points out the quad-camera setup (or three cameras and a depth sensor) includes a 48MP Main camera, a12MP Ultra-wide camera, a 5MP Macro camera, and a 5MP depth sensor. The aforementioned front-facing punch-hole selfie snapper weighs in at 32MP.
Inside the box, besides the phone, is a 25W fast charger for the handset’s 4500mAh battery, and a Type-C cable. Android 10 is pre-installed and yes Virginia, the Galaxy A51 5G does have a 3.5mm earphone jack onboard.
No, the carrier’s content director Des Brown does not appear on the video, and the phone isn’t being taken on a long road trip or being loaded in a slingshot and aimed at the moon. But what T-Mobile’s unboxing reveals is another value-rich Galaxy A handset with 5G support that is reasonably priced at a time when many Americans remain out of work.