Initially launched in China in October, the Xiaomi 14 and 14 Pro stand as the company’s most advanced smartphones to date. Powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, these devices boast impressive specs, including exceptional displays, sleek designs, and cutting-edge cameras.
Rumors suggest that the Xiaomi 14 Ultra is poised to surpass the Xiaomi 14 Pro, particularly in the camera department. Speculations hint at the use of a variable aperture on the main camera, housing a robust setup of four rear-facing cameras. Allegedly, the main camera will feature the Sony LYT-900 camera sensor.
More notably, these smartphones come with highly competitive price tags. In China, the Xiaomi 14 is available for as low as $550, and the Xiaomi 14 Pro is priced at around $700. It’s worth noting that these prices will likely be adjusted for the international market, so we can anticipate Xiaomi’s flagship devices to be slightly more expensive in other countries. With the launch date quickly approaching, we’ll soon have more information. Stay tuned for updates.