Wanted: Dead is an upcoming title being developed by Soleil Ltd., and published by 110 Industries. The game’s gotten a gameplay trailer earlier in the year, and also has PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions slated for release (it was already planned to come to PC). The game’s also seen a delay to next year, but more gameplay was shown today.
Today’s gameplay from 110 Industries covers Dauer, one of Wanted: Dead’s levels, and showcases some of the game’s deep combat system combined with its visual presentation looking rather promising. You can watch gameplay of the Dauer level below.
The Dauer level has the player break through the front door, and is greeted by a firing squad shooting on sight. Right away, the game showcases its blend of cover shooter mechanics (think Gears of War) and character action games, as the player can very much play both styles if they so choose.
After clearing the first room of enemies, the developers show off the biggest part of this update: Wanted: Dead’s skill tree, which is broken up into three categories: Offense, Defense, and Utility. Offensive skills include things like Bullet Time (click both analog sticks to activate, and you fire powerful shots at surrounding enemies).
The developers also explicitly state that you need to unlock everything in the Skill Tree to succeed in this game. However, the order in which you do so is up to the player. They could start off hyper-offensively, or you could have a more defensive style, picking up the Defense Skill Tree nodes, for instance.
We’ll continue to update as more information on Wanted: Dead is released, including level playthroughs, updates, DLC, and more. Wanted: Dead is scheduled to release on February 14th, 2023 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.
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