While Huawei now has the capabilities to build a 5G chipset, at 7nm it remains behind the 3nm node that will be used to manufacture the latest APs from Apple, Qualcomm, and MediaTek later this year. And since SMIC and Huawei are banned from buying the extreme ultraviolet lithography machines needed to etch the incredibly thin lines on the silicon wafers that get cut into chip dies, it appeared that Huawei couldn’t obtain chips any more advanced than 7nm.
Before the U.S. export rules were changed, Huawei was able to obtain 5nm Kirin 9000 APs for the Mate 40 line in 2020
If SMIC, which is now the third largest foundry in the world after TSMC and Samsung, is able to build 5nm chipsets in 2024, they should debut later this year on Huawei’s Mate 70 series.