Pocket Gamer Connects – Europe’s leading mobile games industry conference – is heading to Seattle as we bring an array of incredible speakers, industry experts, and unparalled networking opportunities to the US west coast on 9-10 May 2022!
You can check out our speaker lineup, but to give you a teaser for what you can look forward to, we spoke with our speakers to share a little of what they’ll be speaking on, and their thoughts of the mobile games industry.
Jeff Tremblay, director of business developement at Edgegap, is a seasoned veteran of the gaming industry who has countless experiences in high growth environments. With over 20 years of business development experience, he spent the majority of his time with game developers and publishers. He is passionate about helping those game developers build better and more fluid games.
PocketGamer.biz: What’s the most common mistake you see being made in the games sector?
Jeff Tremblay: A developer’s biggest mistake is wanting to launch a perfect game. Games are constantly evolving, and it’s a utopic idea that the game will not have any blemishes at launch. By utilising user feedback, you can continually improve your game to what your user wants. By holding back your launch, you’re depriving yourself of the most valuable insights possible.
What is the single biggest challenge facing the mobile games industry today?
The evolution from hypercasual single-player games to full-fledge multiplayer experiences. Creating an addictive mobile hypercasual game has become somewhat mainstream; however, the bridge to building a multiplayer game is considerate and has not been considered accessible to smaller developers in the past.
Today, they can develop an external strategic partner network to all allow them to bridge that gap. From edge computing hosting orchestration tools to netcode providers.
What game has been on your phone the longest?
Ultimate Golf! from Hype Games and MiniClip. With the long harsh Canadian winters, it keeps me connected to my favorite sport.
What key trend should we be paying attention to in the next 12 months?
Play-to-earn is democratised wealth sharing in the gaming industry. Players have always paid to be entertained. Now, this paradigm has been flipped onto its head. Players are being entertained and can get paid, and well, I might add.
However, the security issues facing this part of the industry will need to be dealt with promptly. Without proper user protection, the potential growth of play to earn is at risk. It will be interesting to see what develops in the upcoming months. For this will be a critical issue to address.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that you can pass on to others?
Early in my career, even before my time in the gaming industry started, one of my direct reports instilled a concept that has been a mainstay with me throughout my career; You need a solid team to support you, and NOTHING can be done on your own.
I’ve made sure throughout the years that I surrounded myself with people who complement my skillset and core values. You’re only as good as your coworkers. My team’s failures are my own, and their accomplishments are ours.
Can people get in touch with you at the event? What sort of people would you like to connect with?
What I love about in-person conferences are the people and the interactions. There is nothing more gratifying than sharing ideas and visions on the gaming industry with like-minded individuals and thought leaders. For me, any interaction is valuable. From young and bright university students looking to integrate the industry to CTOs, there are takeaways and learning opportunities from each conversation.
I’m a staunch believer in utilizing the networking platforms provided by the conferences and even more in fundamental human interactions. Request a meeting or just come up to me and say hi! These are the best ways to get in touch.
There’s no place like Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle to connect with incredible industry leaders like Desiree Dickerson. Don’t miss out on attending our West Coast conference – secure your seat now and get early access to our meeting platform to schedule all the meetings and see who all will be joining us in Seattle come May 9-10.