Apple’s AR/VR mixed-reality headset is now at the point where there is always speculation that the device will be introduced at the next Apple event. For example, on September 7th, Apple will be introducing the iPhone 14 range, the new Apple Watch Series 8 models, and more. Some tipsters have said that Apple’s expensive $2,000-$2,500 headset will show up at the upcoming event during a “One more thing..,” moment.
Apple has some of its law firms file to trademark possible names for its mixed-reality headset
Apple might call its mixed-reality headset the Reality One or the Reality Pro
The “Reality One” and “Reality Pro” names could indicate that Apple will release two different variants of the headset including a premium “Pro” version that will have more features and cost more money. The “Reality Processor” name could refer to the M2 Apple Silicon chipset that will power the headset. The device is expected to come with 16GB of RAM and will run VR versions of some Apple apps like Maps and FaceTime.
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The device will allow users to play games with other headset wearers and Apple will focus on providing streaming content for the headset including movies and games. In case you’re not familiar with Virtual Reality (VR), it allows the headset wearer to interact with a world that is not real. Augmented reality (AR) takes a real-life feed and superimposes a layer of data over it.
A good example of AR is Google Maps Live View which can be used when using walking directions. The phone’s rear camera delivers a live feed while arrows are overlaid on that feed to show you the direction to walk. In addition, landmarks are named on the screen. Apple has already disseminated its RealityKit to developers to help them build AR apps for the headset.