- Categorize subscription senders by email frequency – “less than 10,” “10 to 20,” or “20+” emails per quarter. This allows for the quick identification of spammy senders.
- Include a clear unsubscribe button directly within the filter, streamlining the process of opting out from unwanted subscriptions.
Images Credit: PiunikaWeb
Images Credit: u/BlanchDuBois74 & u/bsewall on Reddit
This feature has the potential of being extremely beneficial for anyone who frequently subscribes to services or mailing lists, and knows the struggle of overloaded inboxes. Gmail’s “Subscriptions” filter promises a more streamlined inbox experience. I for one a looking forward to having all of these emails contained within one label without having to set up a ton of filters to catch them all. Additionally, it will be helpful to have a quicker way to unsubscribe, so I can proactively manage my subscriptions, potentially saving me precious time and reducing email clutter.