The two new plans will be available for $125/month for 5 Gig and $150/month for 8 Gig. However, people looking for this pricy services value stability more than speed, so here is hoping these plans will offer both.
While 2 Gig answered the call for many gamers and power streamers, 5 Gig and 8 Gig are designed for even heavier internet users — creative professionals, people working in the cloud or with large data, households with large shared internet demands. People who create and utilize large files need the ability to transfer them efficiently. For those who work on the cloud or in real time, like with financial transactions, it’s helpful to know there’s less lag between pushing send and making something happen.
If you’re thinking you’ll be able to get either of the two superior plans when Google Fiber will launch them early next year, we have some good news. Google Fiber customers, especially in Utah, Kansas City or West Des Moines can try out the new plans as early as next month.
Of course, you’ll have to sign up for the opportunity to be among the first to test 5 Gig and 8 Gig in your area. More details about who’s eligible for these plans will follow soon, Google Fiber claims.