According to Google, a VPN badge isn’t about checking a box; it actually means that the app “has gone above and beyond, adhering to the Play safety and security guidelines and successfully completed a Mobile Application Security Assessment (MASA) Level 2 validation.
The VPN badge will be displayed on the app’s details page and in search results, thus helping verified apps stand out from the crowd. Besides that, Google has built new surfaces to showcase verified VPN apps.
Nord VPN “Verified” badge | Image credit: Google
In order to obtain the “Verified” badge, a VPN app must meet certain criteria. The validation process also includes other factors too, which aren’t mentioned by Google. Still, to be considered for the “Verified” badge, your VPN app needs to:
- Complete a Mobile Application Security Assessment (MASA) Level 2 validation
- Have an Organization developer account type
- Meet target API level requirements for Google Play apps
- Have at least 10,000 installs and 250 reviews
- Be published on Google Play for at least 90 days
- Submit a Data Safety section declaration, opting into: 1. Independent security review, under “Additional badges.” 2. Encryption in transit.
Three VPN apps have already received their “Verified” badges from Google, so you’ll see them when browsing their page on Google Play: Nord,, and Aloha Browser.