Honor has just introduced its new foldable smartphone in China, but the company plans is readying the device’s global launch, which should happen in the coming months. While hyping its new product, Honor is sneakily working on yet another great device that will be revealed next year: it’s first-ever flip phone.
According to Wang, Honor not only has the Magic V2, but the Flip too, which will be introduced in 2024. Previous rumors claimed that the Chinese company was working on its first flip phone, but this is the first time an official confirms the existence of the product and even offers us a timeframe for its release.
The only other important piece of information that we have yet to learn is related to its availability. Although Honor initially launches its flagship products in China, they are always released globally at a later date.
If Honor’s clamshell foldable will follow the same pattern, then Samsung might finally have some competition on a very tiny market (at the moment). Here is hoping that we’ll have more details on this one sooner rather than later.