After shocking the world with the 7nm Kirin 9000s 5G chipset that powers the Mate 60 series, Huawei reportedly made some internal improvements for its next chipset, the Kirin 9010. Remember, U.S. export rules put into place in 2020 are supposed to keep Huawei from obtaining 5G application processors, and at first, the sanctions worked. The manufacturer had to obtain a license from U.S. Customs in order to obtain versions of the Snapdragon chips it used for the P50, Mate 50, and P60 flagship models. And those chips were tweaked to prevent them from working with 5G signals.
Same score as SD870’s A77 while consuming 50% more power,
Same power as SD8+’s X2 while being 30% slower,
This core is over 6 years old.— Nguyen Phi Hung (@negativeonehero) April 19, 2024
The Kirin 9010 is expected to debut on the Huawei Mate 70 line expected to be released later this year.