HBO is working on yet another live-action Game of Thrones spin-off series, according to The Hollywood Reporter. This one will continue the story of the main show, as it centers around Jon Snow–with Kit Harington set to reprise the role–rather than delving into the vast history of show’s world, as other spin-offs are doing.
No further details on the premise of the Jon Snow spin-off were shared, and it’s possible the show may never come together–HBO has already canned one series in development, and that could end up being the case again here. But THR notes that Harington is attached to the project.
The main Game of Thrones series was believed to be the end of those characters’ (and that time period’s) stories, with HBO deliberately going into the extensive history outlined by A Song of Ice and Fire author George RR Martin for subsequent projects. THR draws a line of comparison between this Jon Snow series and the approach taken by Disney with both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars, which have both dedicated entire series to existing characters in well-trod parts of their respective timelines. The reception to the final seasons of Game of Thrones, and particularly Season 8, was far more mixed than that of earlier seasons.
Given the nature of this show, it’s possible that Game of Thrones characters who made it to the finish line without dying could be seen in the Jon Snow series, though there’s no word on any other actors who have committed to doing so.
Snow (while technically having died once along the way) did ultimately survive the events of the show, discovering he is, in fact, Aegon Targaryen, and thus an heir to the Iron Throne. But after Snow kills Daenerys and Bran is elected king, Bran exiles Snow to the Night’s Watch. The show teases a possible reunion between Snow and Tyrion Lannister at the Wall one day, and after reuniting with Tormund Giantsbane, other wildlings, and Ghost, he rides out into the north, beyond the Wall.
There are seven Game of Thrones projects currently in the works. The first spin-off show, House of the Dragon, is set to premiere on August 21. Meanwhile, fans of the novel series upon which Game of Thrones is based are still awaiting the next book, The Winds of Winter, after more than a decade.
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