On August 5th, during the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event, we should see the Galaxy Note 20 and the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra introduced along with sequels to the Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Z Flip. Those upcoming foldables will be called the Galaxy Z Fold 2 and the Galaxy Z Flip 5G, respectively. While the Galaxy Z Fold 2 not only gets a new letter added to its name (according to rumors), the phone also gets new displays both inside and out.
Instead of that hard to navigate external screen on the Galaxy Fold with its huge bezels, the Galaxy Z Fold 2 might feature a 6.23-inch screen with much smaller bezels making the display easier to use. Now users won’t have to open the device to get some minor tasks done. The rumored internal 7.7-inch screen is slightly larger than the 7.3-inch tablet-sized display on the original.
Besides adding 5G connectivity to the Galaxy Z Flip 5G, the Snapdragon 855+ Mobile Platform is reportedly being replaced with an overclocked Snapdragon 865 SoC. Other rumored specs suggest that the Z Flip 5G will keep the 8GB of memory and 256GB of storage found on the original LTE model. The 6.7-inch UTG screen remains the same and the small ticker is still there to spit out notifications in the same manner as a ticker.
Thanks to the limited supply of UTG available, it probably is going to be as hard to find the device after launch as it will be to afford it. The original was priced at $1,380 and the 5G variant is sure to wear a pricier tag. And there is now a very poor global economy to deal with. It remains to be seen how well high-priced phones will sell during the remainder of this year. Interestingly, display analyst Ross Young claims that the original Galaxy Z Flip has been the best selling foldable device for 2020 to date. It also is the least expensive compared to the $1,500 Motorola razr and the $1,980 Galaxy Fold.
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) July 10, 2020
Earlier today Hall of Fame tipster Evan Blass posted on Twitter a teaser showing the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G in that fabulous Mystic Bronze color. The fact that we are seeing sequels for all of the foldables released by major manufacturers tells us that the foldable revolution is starting to gain some traction. A shattered global economy might not be the best test track, so we would imagine that Samsung, Motorola, and Huawei will go at least three rounds with their current bendys before reaching any conclusions.