The upcoming title by Hotta Studio, Neverness to Everness, has officially launched its limited-scale Chinese Closed Beta Test that begins on November 28, 2024. This will allow players in China to explore the upcoming supernatural urban open-world RPG, and get to see some of the fresh new content that has been added by Hotta Studio. While other countries are currently unable to participate in the Closed Beta, anyone interested in the game will be able to pre-register for Neverness to Everness on the official website. There is also the option to stay up to date with any news that is released by Hotta Studio by following them on X or joining their Discord server.
For those who are just hearing about this game for the first time, it is a fresh and lighthearted game that is full of comedy rather than a game with a lot of serious subjects and tones. By doing so, the developers are aiming to create a relaxed atmosphere for those who play Neverness to Everness. The game’s character expressions and animations have been fine-tuned to enhance each scene that players will get to watch so that the emotional nuances of each scene and humorous details can shine through in the storyline.
In this game, players will get to explore the everyday life of Hethereau, a city where there are both anomalies and humans co-existing. There are three chapters of main storyline content thus far and multiple side quests that players can dive into, allowing them to explore the urban life of Hethereau and the secrets that come along with it.
Neverness to Everness is developed using Unreal Engine 5 to help provide beautiful realism with a ton of detail, giving the players an immersive experience as they traverse the city and get to experience the supernatural. There are drastic changes between environments, with some offering neon-lit streets and marketplaces, while others are mysterious and dark, full of anomalies.
The initial reveal for this game was back in July, and the developers have since added more characters for Beta testers to meet and try out. This includes Adler, who is a playable character, and Edgar, who is a member of the Eibon Antique Shop and will be accompanying the protagonist throughout their adventure in Hethereau.
Those who get the chance to participate in the Closed Beta test will get to experience some new chapter bosses, anomaly commission bosses, and, of course, new storyline content to provide them with an in-depth experience of what’s to come in the full release of the game.