WhatsApp has been hard at work lately adding features in order to compete with the likes of Signal and Telegram. However, there are a few new features already making their way to the Android app, including one that is still in the beta testing phase.
According to WABetaInfo (via Techradar), the new features are in addition to the status update ones that were announced last week, which were meant for both iOS and Android. These additional new features target the Android app specifically and were spotted when they appeared in the release notes of the latest version available via the Google Play Store.
- You can now add captions when sending documents
- Added support for longer group subjects and descriptions to better describe your group
- You can now send up to 100 photos / videos at once (vs. 30 previously)
- You can now create personalized avatars and use them as stickers and profile photos. Go to Settings > Avatar to get started.