No Man’s Sky continues its uptrend from where it launched, releasing new updates and content for players to experience. Back in May, the development team released the Leviathan Expedition, an update that added a roguelike game mode to the mix, trapping players in a time loop (that may sound familiar if you watched TennoCon 2022).
A big update for No Man’s Sky was announced for all platforms, named the Endurance update. The expansion includes a freighter overhaul, newer building functionality, additional features for your freighters, roaming organic frigates, and more.
As for when this update will be released? It’s out right now, so you can update your game and access all of these features and more at no additional charge. The Endurance update also comes with a new trailer, which you can watch below.
First and foremost, some of the update’s highlights are massive detail and texture overhauls on all of the game’s Freighters, regardless of whether they’re player-operated. Endurance also includes the new Agricultural Module, which allows players to grow crops without needing to leave the ship and harvest everything in the room in one click.
Freighters also have exterior walkways now, allowing you to spacewalk and see the vast expanses from your ship. Speaking of space, black holes have newer visual effects, and players can encounter organic frigates. These frigates can be recruited to your fleet and can induce strange results when deployed on fleet missions.
Building also received a significant overhaul, allowing you to place building pieces manually rather than relying on contextual placement (which was used prior). No Man’s Sky’s Building mechanics are also updated when within freighters. You can view hologram previews of what you’re building in the respective room, add windows to rooms, and construct hallways with doors or windows that let you view the game’s vast expanses.
The last big highlight of the update would probably be the new Multiplayer modes, the Sentinel Pillar missions, and Infestation missions. The former would be a collection mission where groups locate and steal data from within heavily-guarded Sentinel Pillars. The latter sends players to cleanse planets of infested creatures hiding beneath the soil.
Other updates include being able to teleport directly between your hangar and bridge (or between your hangar and a ship you’re repairing), living ships being upgraded, combat within derelicts getting visual overhauls, and more. No Man’s Sky is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. The game’s Nintendo Switch version will be released on October 7th, 2022
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