Overwatch 2 launched yesterday in early access mode. To celebrate the game’s release, NVIDIA boasted some impressive performance figures registered with the brand new GeForce RTX 4000 Series graphics cards. The top-of-the-line RTX 4090 runs Overwatch 2 at over 500 FPS at 1440p resolution, while the RTX 4080 16GB reaches 368FPS and the RTX 4080 12GB almost gets to 300FPS. That’s roughly 50 frames per second more than the previous generation’s RTX 3080.
Overwatch 2 also launched with NVIDIA Reflex support. The latency lowering technology brings up to 60% reduced latency in this game, though the RTX 3000 Series get more of an improvement by comparison. The RTX 3060 shelves an impressive 27ms, the 3070 reduces latency by 17ms, and the 3080 by 12ms. The new RTX 4000 Series GPUs already run the game so fast that they can only get 10ms of reduced latency for the 4080 12GB, 7ms for the 4080 16GB, and just 4ms for the 4090.
Blizzard’s John Lafleur, Technical Director on Overwatch 2, said in a statement:
Overwatch 2 absolutely shines on the highest ‘Epic’ setting with a GeForce RTX 4080, and even in a climactic team fight, the game has never been smoother or more responsive.
All NVIDIA users should also download the latest Game Ready driver if they haven’t already. Those on the fence about this sequel can also check out our hands-on impressions.
Overall, I am left with mixed feelings regarding Overwatch’s future as a whole. Overwatch 2’s meta seems to have shifted in a positive direction, and that is a hill I’m willing to die on because the game should’ve focused on being a shooter first and an ability-based game second from the beginning.
The issues I have with Overwatch 2 so far stem from how it’s doing its Free to Play model. While I definitely agree with some measures like having to tie your account to a phone number (because we want to prevent a TF2 issue where literally any asshole with some free time can make multiple accounts to be a nuisance), other aspects make me so confused and would only exist to hinder the experience for newer players.
If we go down to the core gameplay aspects, the game is 100% fine by me. I will definitely come back and play it a few times if I don’t have much to do. How will the meta transcend in terms of its competitive scene, or how will the player base treat it once it goes live? Well, we’ll have to see the results once the game goes live.
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