Today, Blizzard announced more details about Overwatch 2 Season 12. First and foremost, the game’s roster will be expanded with a new support hero, Juno from Mars.
Juno’s versatile Mediblaster and Pulsar Torpedoes allow her to simultaneously heal her allies and damage her enemies, making her a fantastic support hero. Her Hyper Ring ability accelerates team movement for quick engagements and retreats, while her high mobility, enhanced by Martian Overboots, allows her to navigate the battlefield with unparalleled agility. Players may then unleash the power of her Orbital Ray and power up their teammates to break through tough strangleholds and fortified defenses.
There’s also a new game mode called Clash, which pits teams against each other in a relentless battle for dominance over multiple capture points. With dynamic spawns and streamlined map routes, Overwatch 2 heroes can spend more time in the heat of battle and less time running back to the front lines. Clash mode delivers fast-paced, strategic gameplay with new challenges and opportunities for glory.
Two new maps have been included, too: players will return to ancient Egypt and discover a whole new side to Overwatch’s first map, Temple of Anubis, and uncover the dangerous AI that caused the Omnic Crisis, sealed away in the Throne of Anubis. They will also uncover new secrets of Shiramura Castle while exploring the streets of Hanaoka, inspired by the stunning aesthetics of the beloved Hanamura area.
Season 12 will also bring some balance tweaks. Blizzard is reducing Health on multiple damage and support heroes. Lifeweaver is also getting notable updates to improve the quality of the Petal Platform and how it can be countered, as well as changes to Healing Blossom and Rejuvenating Dash. The competitive mode is getting a ranks reset to give everyone a fresh start and a new chance to work their way up the ladder. As mentioned in a previous developer update, the Avoid as Teammate feature is being improved. Finally, Blizzard listened to community feedback on group respawn in Quick Play and has new improvements in store for that feature as well.
Last but not least, Overwatch 2 will join Game Pass on September 17, providing various perks to subscribers who have successfully linked their account. Starting on September 17, users will get a one-time grant of 30 Mythic Prisms to spend on Mythic unlocks, as well as six hero skins – Cardboard Reinhardt, Turtleship D.Va, Cyberdragon Hanzo, Street Runner Genji, Bee Mercy, and Cleric Lifeweaver. These items are theirs to keep, but they must log in and ensure their accounts are linked by October 21 to claim them.
Additional in-game collectibles will be continuously available as long as you have an eligible Xbox Game Pass account linked to your account. These include an array of items via continued access to select Overwatch 2 Shop cosmetics from previous seasons, as well as a stackable XP booster.