Apple Glasses concept by EverythingApplePro” 
Apple’s patent does not state clearly that it is about the Apple Glasses, but the text refers to “an authenticated device that is worn by a user as a head-mounted device”, so it seems pretty reasonable to suspect this is relating to the Apple Glasses (unless there will be an Apple Helmet?). According to the patent, the device will unlock other Apple devices when you get closer to them, to spare you the arduous task of unlocking each of your Apple ecosystem devices.
The device might detect the intent of unlocking and then might send authentication information to your Mac, for example. Based on that authentication data, the second device will recognize you as an authorized user and will then unlock.
Additionally, other options are discussed in the patent, such as a case when you will not want your devices to be unlocked without any user interaction. For example, the device might be able to determine spatial orientation, probably meaning whether or not you are looking at your Mac or iPhone; or to be configured to work with a voice command, a body gesture, an eye gesture, or a ‘motion gesture’, such as walking up to your Mac or iPhone.
Keep in mind that this is a patent and not an actual rumor or leak about the AR glasses by Apple, so it is not certain whether or not the feature will be included. We can reasonably expect to see the Apple Glasses the earliest in 2022.