At the moment, the reason behind these hacks is unknown, but clearly, it’s so that they can get their hands on the valuable resources that can help you to become powerful in the late game. Path of Exile 2 finally made its way into Early Access after being highly anticipated by those who are fans of the cRPG genre. However, it seems that those who are in the late game have logged on to find that their accounts have been compromised, with highly valuable resources missing from their stash and their inventories. Since inventories are shared between characters, this allows for easier leveling of any other classes that the player may try out. To lose such valuable items is a huge, devastating loss, as a lot of them require a ton of grinding to be able to obtain them in the first place.
Most shockingly, it seems that the hackers managed to make it past Steam 2FA without a bat of an eye. Some of those who were affected have said that they received an email from someone trying to get into their account, but somehow, they still managed to slide past the Steam 2FA anyway. If it’s that easy to do, it means that Steam will likely have a bigger problem than just what is currently going on with Path of Exile 2.
People are sharing their stories on the official Path of Exile forums, where they share how they found out that their accounts had been compromised. It doesn’t spell good news for those who were impacted, as Grinding Gear Games has said that they are unable to roll back the materials that were stolen by other players, basically leaving players to grind for the materials all over again, with hours of gameplay lost to a hacker.
It’s reported that the hacker is known on the forums, as he would share updates as he was going. However, he would continuously change his username, making it hard to keep track of him. Whether there were more people involved remains to be seen.
Unfortunately, it isn’t just impacting Path of Exile 2. Even those who are still playing the original Path of Exile are finding their resources impacted, with tons of Gems and other valuable resources completely missing from their account. As a result of the hack, some players are finding that their accounts have now been banned, and they have lost access to the game.
Grinding Gear Games is tackling this and is working to resolve the bans on accounts that were impacted, but it’s said that this process can take weeks to deal with, meaning that players won’t have access to their Path of Exile 2 accounts for the unforeseeable.
If you’ve been hacked, please let us know your story in the comments.