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In the June issue
In the June issue of PCWorld, we have 10 indispensible PC apps you won’t regret buying. Also this month, find out if the cost is truly justified when upgrading your laptop’s SSD or RAM. Plus, speed up that old Android phone; we have 7 ways to make it faster.
Other highlights include:
- News: The $1,799 MacBook Pro 13 vs. the $650 Acer Swift 3: Guess who wins? Plus, see microsoft’s new Surface lineup
- Acer Swift 3 Review: Ryzen 4000 delivers insane performance for the price
- Dell XPS 13 9300 review: The bezel is finally dead
- Adata SE800 Portable SSD review: IP68 rating makes it extra-tough
- OnePlus 8 Pro review: A great phone that’s no longer a great value
- Fallout 76 re-review: The free Wastelanders expansion deserves a second trip into West Virginia
- Here’s How: How to improve your writing using Editor for the online version of Word, Chrome, or Edge. Plus, how to organize your Kindle library
Video highlights
Watch: What is Project Athena? It’s the driver behind some of the nicest laptops available today. Melissa talks with Josh Newman (CCG Vice President and GM of Mobile Innovation at Intel) and Donnie Oliphant (Senior Marketing Director of XPS at Dell) about what Project Athena is, how it’s being implemented in laptops, and why you should care.
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