This was first reported on by Telegram user who spotted the feature was there shortly after updating to the latest build (number AP3A.241105.007). As you can see in the shared images below, the new section appears right below “Battery Share.” This option is an alternative to Google’s “Adaptive Charging,” which learns your charging habits, then slows down your phone’s charging speed overnight to prolong your battery life.
Battery charging limit to 80% feature present in the Android 15 November update | Images credit — @SlimRock (Telegram)
The Battery Charging Limit feature is expected to be available on Pixel phones running the latest Android 15 November update. It may also be available on other Android devices in the future. It’s also worth noting that limiting the maximum charge level to 80% will result in slightly less usage time between charges. However, for many people, the potential benefits of extending the battery’s lifespan may outweigh this minor inconvenience.
This new feature is a welcome addition to Android 15 and could be a game-changer for those who may be concerned with their phone’s battery health. It’s great to see Google taking steps to help users prolong the life of their devices.