Per today’s report, the Pixel Watch packs a 300mAh battery. According to an earlier rumor, it’s 40mm wide, and for comparison, the 40mm Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 which is equipped with a smaller 247mAh battery lasts nearly 24 hours. The Pixel Watch will allegedly be thicker and heavier than the Galaxy Watch 4, which is seemingly why it has more room for a comparatively bigger battery and it might be able to run for a little longer.
Google’s first smartwatch will run the Mountain View giant and Samsung’s jointly developed Wear OS 3 platform and since the company now owns Fitbit, the watch will likely also include Fitbit integration and may borrow some health sensors from the brand as well.
The watch will reportedly only be available in a few markets and is expected to be priced between $300 and $400, which would make it a little more expensive than the Galaxy Watch 4 which starts at $249.99, but possibly a little more affordable than the Apple Watch 7 that starts at $399.