According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is planning to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its smartwatch by releasing a the Apple Watch X in 2024 or 2025. Apple introduced the device in 2014 but didn’t release it until April 2015. Considering that this year’s models will probably be called “Series 9,” we could see the Watch X next year. Gurman writes that Apple is looking to equip the new model with a thinner case and is also working on a new system for attaching the bands.
A new system to replace bands on the Apple Watch could lead to a longer battery-life for the timepiece and more capabilities. That’s because the current system Apple has for attaching watch bands, which has remained the same to keep new bands backward compatible with older models, takes up space inside the watch that could be used for a larger battery, or to upgrade other components. A magnetic system is being tested by Apple although Gurman says that it isn’t clear if it will be ready in time to feature with the Apple Watch X.
Apple Watch Ultra on left, Series 8 Apple Watch on the right
Gurman’s report also mentions that the Apple Watch X will sport a microLED screen that will be clearer and display colors better than the current OLED panel employed. While nothing was mentioned about a non-invasive blood glucose feature, the one that insulin dependent diabetics have been longing for, the watch could include a sensor that will monitor the user’s blood pressure. This is something that other smartwatches have been adding including the Huawei Watch D.
It might be hard to believe, but the Apple Watch is the most popular watch in the world even beating out the timepieces produced by more traditional companies in the business such as Rolex, Casio, Seiko, and Timex which run the gamut of price points in the industry.
The Apple Watch X should not be confused with the premium Apple Watch Ultra model which is a regular Apple Watch on steroids. As it stands now, based on Gurman’s column, the Watch X is a redesigned Series 10 Apple Watch.