Sins of a Solar Empire II is the long-awaited sequel of Sins of a Solar Empire, developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment. As of today, Sins of a Solar Empire II has an official release date. For those who are waiting to get stuck in, players can expect to see this game release on Steam and Epic Games Store on August 15.
With the launch of Sins of a Solar Empire II, players can expect to see 10-player multiplayer support, a brand new faction to get to know and other new features that can help create some epic battles across the galaxy.
This release features new and familiar sprawling empires, major tactical fleet battles, and much more. If players wishlist the game on Steam now, they will receive a reminder when the release date approaches.
For those interested in purchasing the new game, the base game edition will be available at a special discount on both Steam and Epic Games Store for $39.99. The Premium Edition will be available for a limited time at $79.99. It will include the base game, the first content pass for the game, and the digital soundtrack.
Sins of a Solar Empire II has expanded significantly on the features of the first game and will bring plenty more content. The following features are what players can expect to see in the game.
There are three playable races: Advent, Vasari, and TEC. In addition, two sub-factions have unique items, mechanics, and Empire Systems, allowing you to achieve total victory.
There will be orbiting planets that can alter the map during play, which means players will have to change their strategies and tactics for new challenges that may pop up.
You can build and command thousands of ships with brand-new graphics from being built in a brand-new engine created specifically for Sins of a Solar Empire II.
The new ten-player multiplayer matches allow players to join and resume games seamlessly.
For those who enjoy modding Sins of a Solar Empire, a new in-game mod browser will allow for easy installation and allow players to utilize user-generated content and maps.
If you are looking for more information on Sins of a Solar Empire II, be sure to check out their official website. It has all the details you need to know, including a countdown timer to the game’s release.