In 1988, the world was introduced to an aspiring sorcerer and named Willow, played by Warwick Davis. The fantasy-adventure film Willow revolved around the titular character’s quest to protect a special baby, Elora Danan, who would one day unite the realms against the evil queen Bavmorda. Over 30 years later, the Nelwyn sorcerer is back for a new adventure in the Disney+ original series Willow.
In a special look at the series, Willow receives a new mission to find the twin brother of Princess Kit (Ruby Cruz). Willow leads a disparate group of people to find Kit’s brother and protect the world of Andowyne from impending doom. Along the way, they will also attempt to find Elora, whose identity was hidden in order to protect her from danger.
Davis reprises his role as Willow, the character he made famous in the original film. Joanne Whalley returns from the film as Sorsha, the warrior daughter of the evil Queen Bavmorda. Also reprising their roles from the film are Kevin Pollock and Rick Overton, who played the comedic duo of Rool and Franjean, respectively. New additions to the series include Erin Kellyman, Ellie Bamber, Tony Revolori, Amar Chadha-Patel, Dempsey Bryk, Ralph Ineson, Christian Slater, and Warwick Davis’ daughter, Annabelle Davis.
The series stems from Jonathan Kasdan, who co-wrote Solo: A Star Wars Story. Ron Howard, who directed the film adaptation of the character, and George Lucas, who wrote the film’s story, will produce the Disney+ series via their respective production companies, Imagine Entertainment and Lucasfilm.
Willow streams exclusively on Disney+ beginning November 30.
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