Magenta never misses an opportunity to flaunt a new report compiled by analytics firms like Ookla, Opensignal, RootMetrics, and umlaut, especially when the data puts the “Un-carrier” ahead of its industry rivals in five out of six measured categories.
Top speeds + leading reliability = unrivaled network
The improvement notably came as the researcher vastly expanded its 5G network testing, conducting close to 30 billion measurements between October 24, 2022 and April 9, 2023 compared to “just” 11.6 billion samples gathered across the nation in the August 1, 2022 – January 15, 2023 timeframe.
The 5G coverage and 5G stability battles, meanwhile, remain very evenly matched, as silver medalist AT&T continues to breathe down the champion’s neck, threatening to overtake its position… but ultimately falling just short of doing that.
In case you’re wondering exactly how T-Mo and AT&T’s 783 and 700-point tallies respectively were calculated, we’ll be frank with you, we don’t completely understand either. But we do know 1,000 is the maximum result that can be achieved by any carrier, and after “aggregating a complete set of key performance indicators” aiming to reflect the real-life user experience on these two’s 5G networks right now, those scores are fairly close to the ceiling… and getting closer.
One small win does not a great 5G network make
Believe it or not, Big Red has somehow pulled off the incredible “feat” of finishing dead last among the top three US mobile network operators as far as 5G coverage, 5G stability, and 5G reliability are concerned.
At the end of the day, arguably the most important thing for the US wireless industry as a whole is to see its top players constantly stepping up their network availability, speed, and reliability games, which seems to be the case pretty much everywhere and for everyone.