In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the role of the CIO has transcended simply managing IT infrastructure to becoming a pivotal player in enabling…
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AI as a catalyst for ESG: Empowering CIOs to drive sustainable innovation
This article delves into the transformative potential of AI, genAI and blockchain to drive sustainable innovation. It provides CIOs a roadmap to align these…
LinuxNetwork SecurityNewsOperating SystemPC & LaptopServerSoftware
Many C-suite execs have lost confidence in IT, including CIOs
Among the IT leaders surveyed, 69% had confidence in their departments a decade ago; now just 47% do. Confidence also fell among CFOs. So…
Tech Day of Pink: Estée Lauder CIO’s global IT movement to fund breast cancer research
While it’s impossible to track the exact financial impact of Tech Day of Pink, since many participants make direct donations to the Breast Cancer…
Why CIOs should embrace the potential of data and analytics enablement platforms for a brighter future
Technology leaders want to harness the power of their data to gain intelligence about what their customers want and how they want it. This…
Automation at issue In addition to large wage increases, dockworker demands include job security as a key concern in an industry that is undergoing…