Something as simple as how you tell your backup product which files and databases to backup can have a massive impact on your recoverability.…
Imagine walking into your office on a Monday morning, grabbing a cup of coffee, and firing up your computer. Suddenly, disaster strikes; all of…
Data centers and water seem to go together, despite the fact water is bad for electronics. Many hyperscale data centers are built near rivers…
InternetNewsSocial Network
All Facebook users can now access a tool to port data to Google Photos – TechCrunch
Facebook’s photo transfer tool is now available globally half a year on from an initial rollout in Europe, the company said today. The data…
A new study by academics from Carnegie Mellon University’s Security and Privacy Institute (CyLab) has revealed that only a third of users actually change…
During the early days of the coronavirus outbreak many wondered if the internet would end up going down due to the dramatic increase in…