Rebel Wolves, a new studio created by former The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 developers, announced its new game, The Blood of Dawnwalker. The…
GamingNewsPC Gaming
The Blood of Dawnwalker Open World RPG Revealed with Gorgeous Trailer and In-Game Sneak Peek
Yesterday evening, Polish developer Rebel Wolves finally unveiled its debut project, a single player open world roleplaying game titled The Blood of Dawnwalker. During…
GamingNewsPC Gaming
First Look At The Blood Of Dawnwalker Reveals A Medieval World Ruled By Vampires
In February 2022, The Witcher 3 director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz founded Rebel Wolves alongside some other veteran developers. The first tease for the studio’s inaugural…
GamingNewsPC Gaming
Rebel Wolves Signs Publishing Deal with Bandai Namco For Upcoming RPG, Dawnwalker
Rebel Wolves is a games studio that was co-founded in 2022 by industry veteran Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, the Game Director of The Witcher 3: Wild…