Asking AI the wrong questions Menlo Ventures recently surveyed 600-plus enterprises to gauge AI adoption. Perhaps unsurprisingly, software development tops the list of use…
Perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that so many technology trends mimic fashion trends. No, I don’t mean our clothing choices—we technology folks are persistently…
Twelve years ago, my former Macworld colleague Lex Friedman and I were at an Apple-focused conference where we presented a talk called “Apple is…
GamingMobile GamingNews
Hitseeker partners with ByteBrew to help game developers make data-driven decisions
Stay Informed Get Industry News In Your Inbox… Sign Up Today Kwalee‘s mobile publishing platform Hitseeker has teamed up with analytics platform ByteBrew to…
GamingMobile GamingNews
PLAYSTUDIOS’ Ravid Sela on the importance of data-driven decisions in ad monetisation
Stay Informed Get Industry News In Your Inbox… Sign Up Today Mobile advertising company Liftoff has invited inspirational women working on some of the…
NewsOperating SystemPC & LaptopWindows
What is a data analyst? A key role for data-driven business decisions
Data analysts seek to describe the current state of reality for their organizations by translating data into information accessible to the business. They collect,…