Disney has established a new animation studio called 20th Television Animation that’s focused on maintaining current and developing new adult animation shows. The studio,…
Ally McBeal, the popular Fox legal dramedy that ran for five seasons from 1997 to 2002, is reportedly being considered for a revival, according…
GamingNewsPC Gaming
Mass Effect 2’s Jack Was Supposed To Be Pansexual, Until Fox News Got In The Way
Mass Effect 2‘s Jack was originally supposed to be pansexual, but her romance arc was changed after BioWare looked at the media reception to…
James Mangold, the director of movies like Logan, Ford vs. Ferrari, and Walk the Line, is speaking out in the wake of yesterday’s attack…
GamingMobile GamingNews
PGC Digital: Double Coconut founder David Fox on exploring different game develo | Pocket Gamer.biz
Game studios and those starting out should be encouraged to explore the many different types of developer tools available on the market today. This…