At Quantum World Congress on Tuesday, Microsoft announced that it and partner Quantinuum had broken a record in the creation of logical qubits. In…
A free-to-play game will pay for you to play over the coming weeks. Ubisoft has unveiled that there will be log-in rewards for XDefiant…
“This partnership between Coforge and Salesforce is a significant move in the right direction,” said Abhishek Gupta, CIO at DishTV, a leading Indian satellite…
Google TV already offers access to hundreds of free channels, so it might be hard to keep track of what’s being added almost every…
GamingNewsPC Gaming
Okomotive & Panic Unveils Their New Adventure Title “Herdling”, Offering Gamers One-Of-A-Kind Herding Experience
Okomotive, the developer behind the FAR series, has revealed its brand new adventure title, Herdling, providing gamers with a brand new adventure. Okomotive &…
EmpowerMX, which is a business management software provider for airlines, defense, and enterprises that offer MRO services, will aid IFS in reaching more customers…