Here’s a common problem. Someone sends you a PDF file, and you need to make large-scale changes in it, the kind of wholesale editing…
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Edit PDFs in your browser with Adobe’s upgraded Acrobat extension
Good news, Chrome and Edge users—you no longer need to download PDFs in order to make basic edits. Earlier this week, Adobe officially rolled…
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Apple Patches iOS, Mac Attack That Uses Malicious PDFs to Hack Devices
Time to patch your iPhones. Apple has uncovered evidence that attackers may be actively exploiting two vulnerabilities in company software to take over its…
LinuxNetwork SecurityNewsOperating SystemPC & LaptopServerSoftware
Creating and merging PDFs on Linux
There are a number of ways that you can create PDFs on a Linux system. You can use an application like LibreOffice or OpenOffice,…
If you are working remotely you may already be using or looking for some way to use password-protected PDFs to help maintain information security.…