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GamingMobile GamingNews
Chris Petrovic, CBO at FunPlus talks new soft launch, Sea of Conquest | Pocket
FunPlus’s latest title, Sea of Conquest is now available in soft launch on Google Play devices and will be available worldwide for iOS shortly.…
GamingMobile GamingNews
Chris Petrovic: “The gaming sector has the capability to launch the ‘next great | Pocket
Mobile gaming regularly draws in more revenue than other gaming platforms, but it’s easy to forget that despite the accessibility of gaming on your…
As 2021 begins to fade into memory, we’re taking a look back at the events that have defined the last 12 months in mobile…
GamingMobile GamingNews
FunPlus’ chief business officer Chris Petrovic on the value they add to their in | Pocket
Chris Petrovic recently joined FunPlus as the chief business officer after spending five years at Zynga leading their corporate strategy, M&A and business development…
GamingMobile GamingNews
FunPlus hires Chris Petrovic as its new chief business officer | Pocket
Indie mobile games developer and publisher FunPlus has hired Chris Petrovic as its new chief business officer. Before joining FunPlus, Petrovic worked as Zynga’s…