Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, has a theory on why iPhone’s market share in China will “keep shrinking”. As you…
Welcome to our weekly Apple Breakfast column, which includes all the Apple news you missed last week in a handy bite-sized roundup. We call…
While global smartphone shipments are widely expected to surge in 2024 following several years of decline, one of the world’s largest markets continued its…
Remember when foldables were hailed as the mobile industry’s future and pretty much the only hope the global smartphone market had to recover anytime…
Global tablet sales are shrinking, but Apple’s iPads continue to grow at an incredible pace
How can one best describe the market supremacy of a tech giant that accounts for nearly half of said market’s shipments around the world…
What if therapists told you what they really think? How would you react? Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother) is a therapist who…