En la última edición de los CIO 100 Awards celebrados en España (el 11 de diciembre de 2024) resultaron premiados los ejecutivos Juan Antonio…
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El talento tecnológico despunta en los CIO 100 Awards Spain 2024
Ricard Guasch Sereno (Zurich) con Ignacio Cobisa (izda) Garpress | Foundry Premio Sector Energía y Utilities 2024: Capital Energy Este galardón ha recaído en Capital Energy…
Many of us have seen how smartphones transformed our lives, but for teens and kids, it’s a different story. They were pretty much born…
LinuxNetwork SecurityNewsOperating SystemPC & LaptopServerSoftware
VisionLab lanza los primeros cristales con IA ‘made in Spain’
VisionLab se apoya en la tecnología de vanguardia para seguir a la cabeza de la competitividad empresarial. Y es que la compañía española ha…
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the Cupertino company will donate to relief efforts in Spain after the tragic, catastrophic floods that hit the famous…
NewsOperating SystemPC & LaptopWindows
Damac Group expands into Spain with 400 million euros data center investment in Madrid
The data center market in Spain continues to heat up with the latest major development from Dubai-based Damac Group. The company has announced its…