Apple announced Fitness+ will be available in 15 more countries later this year. Also, later this fall, Fitness+ will add Group Workouts with SharePlay,…
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Apple Fitness+: New Mediation and Pilates workouts, Group Workouts with SharePlay
Online fitness services such as Peloton and Daily Burn have become very popular, and now Apple wants in on the business. They will soon…
Apple Fitness Plus has introduced Group Workouts on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. You will still see your own metrics on display on the…
(Photo via Apple) Fitness is for everyone, and Apple is making its own workout platform more inclusive with new exercises for pregnancy, older adults,…
Apple Fitness Plus adds new workouts for pregnancy and older adults to the lineup, broadening the ages of its demographic. Source link
Apple has announced a minor expansion to its Fitness+ service with the addition of several new workouts and new instructor. The workouts target under-represented…